"Asset creation to overcome depression and debt"

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작성자 ulXt0t
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-10-25 03:18


Nice to meet you. I'm Kazuya ????

Right away, if you're reading this blog, it probably means you want to increase your income or get rid of debt like me. ?

Today, I'm going to tell you about a method of asset formation that I recommend to such people.

If you've finished reading it all, you can take the first step to asset formation!

First, I'd like to give you a brief self-introduction and background.


Age: 34 (married with children)

Born and raised in Tokyo, I now have a family of four ????‍????‍????‍????

Hobbies: Golf ⛳

Occupation: My current income comes from investments, which I will introduce later

My previous job was as a salesman at an advertising agency


After graduating from a university in Tokyo,

I joined a fairly well-known advertising agency as a new graduate

I lived a busy but fulfilling life

married my current wife

I was blessed with children and everything was going smoothly, but

I was worried that I had to earn more and

I developed depression due to the heavy workload

Furthermore, at the time I was unable to make sound decisions,

I tried virtual currency in an ignorant state and failed.

I was in debt for 2 million yen and found it difficult to return to work.

In the midst of all this, I discovered my current investment and my life turned around.

I earn twice as much with 1/10th the effort I used to make when I was working myself to death.

Before I knew it, I had overcome my depression and paid off my debts in half a year.

Currently, I am making a stable income as a player and giving lectures to increase the number of people like me.

I made some big mistakes, but I feel that I am where I am now because I didn't give up!

Here is a rough introduction of myself and my career!

Some people may wonder if my career is true, so I will publish my bank account to give them credibility.

Now, here is the main topic!

There are many types of investments, but it is impossible to make a profit in a short period of time with NISA or investment trusts.

Of course, it may be good to look at it from a long-term perspective, but I think that everyone reading this is looking for short-term results.

The game that can achieve that is "Baccarat."

Some people may think that baccarat is gambling.

Of course, I understand. I was the same.

But if you just change the interpretation, it will change from gambling to investment.

However, if you don't know the methods and ways of thinking, it will end up as gambling.

That's why I teach the know-how.

The reason why I teach is that I myself tried my hand at virtual currency and failed because of "ignorance".

I had a preconceived notion that if you pay money, you can get the right information.

The world is not that easy.

There are a lot of false information circulating in the world.

Especially in this kind of investment-related thing, many people are ignorant and are often easily deceived.

In fact, many of the people who consult with me have had the experience of being deceived.

I wanted to reduce the number of such people, even if only a little, so I started this as a part of "contribution to others".

These are the results of the students I actually teach ✌

Please contact me only if you are willing to earn a good income.

I will mercilessly block people who are half-hearted or have no manners.

We look forward to hearing from you!



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